After checking out of our hotel we happened across the aftermath of what looked like a serious accident at Shinjuku Station. As we the injured person was carried out on a stretcher whilst being shielded by the fire department. It was impossible to tell the state of the injuries sustained as the emergnecy services did such a good job of protecting the injured person from the gathering crowds.
Although the long line of blood which was left dripping as they moved through was much more unpleasant. In-attendance were several fire engines and ambulances in the street, as well as a TV crew and a large crowd of people. I don't know what happened, but I was told that it is fairly common for people to attempt suicide here by jumping in front of trains.

That evening we had ramen on the mind, and headed to Ichiran (via the epic Shibuya Crossing above). After a small queue on arriving at the ramen shop, you place your order at a vending machine which then prints out your order on tickets. The waitress then gives you a sheet to fill in to customise your ramen and shows you to your seat/booth. It is individual dining here with each seat being separated by a small wall, which you can also fold up and put away if you are eating with company.
Once settled in your seat and ready to order, you hand your completed form and tickets to a member of staff through the little window. When your food arrives they close the curtain to leave you in peace. Further items can ordered during your meal by ringing a little buzzer. All in all a great and affordable meal and a novel way of dining for a Westerner - we need more of this in the UK.

Walking home we passed the salary men above admiring this yellow Lamborghini Aventador - can't blame them really, I love this car. Before then encountering a large group of people looking upwards towards the sky, admiring a wonder of the universe and nature. A lunar eclipse.